
O projekcie

jettstudio.pl is a online store created for company Jett Studio Sp. z o.o. specializing in the distribution of promotional gifts. Each screen has been designed for our client's individual order. It is a site addressed to wholesale buyers, companies specializing in the advertising gifts industry. The entire implementation was based on CMS Olicom, to which we have designed and programmed modern modules for user management of the store, product edition or order service. This store has interesting solutions for building offers with the possibility to export the saved history directly to the shopping basket.
This store has been integrated with the customer's warehouses so that shop users have the opportunity to check the current conditions or price lists of the store's wide offer. The website has also become a company website that keeps you up to date with current events at Jett Studio. Through the relevant subpages, you can read the current catalogs or read about the history of the company itself. The store is adapted to mobile devices. CMS Olicom provides Jett Studio with a seamless opportunity to further expand and modernize its sales and product modules.
This store has been integrated with the customer's warehouses so that shop users have the opportunity to check the current conditions or price lists of the store's wide offer. The website has also become a company website that keeps you up to date with current events at Jett Studio. Through the relevant subpages, you can read the current catalogs or read about the history of the company itself. The store is adapted to mobile devices. CMS Olicom provides Jett Studio with a seamless opportunity to further expand and modernize its sales and product modules.

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